Interventional Radiology is a sub-specialty of Radiology at Kailash Hospital Sector 27 Noida, which performs plethora of minimally invasive image guided therapeutic Endovascular, Hepato-biliary, Oncology, Urology, Nephrology and Gynaecology Interventions.
IR today is one of the fastest growing & safest medical sub-specialties with an ever expanding list of minimally invasive treatments.
Novel technological development and techniques such as stents and stent grafts led to Endovascular treatment for peripheral vascular disease. Novel minimally invasive treatments such as catheter directed thrombolysis for acute arterial & venous thrombosis, Embolization techniques for uncontrolled life threatening hemorrhage, splenic / liver trauma, arterio-venous malformation (AVMs) and hyper vascular tumors, Chemo-Embolization and RFA / microwave ablation for hepato-cellular Carcinoma are standard of care. Almost all procedures are performed under local anesthesia without any incision.
The interventional Radiology procedures are associated with minimal risk, early recovery and early discharge as compared to conventional open surgical treatments. Real time image guidance allows precise treatment.
Peripheral Arterial Interventions:
1. Peripheral Angioplasty and Stenting for Peripheral Vascular Disease
2. Stent-Grafting for Peripheral A-V Fistula / Pseudoaneurysms / Dissection
3. Pharmaco-Mechanical Catheter Directed thrombolysis
4. Embolizations: Peripheral Pseudoaneurysms, Arteriovenous malformations
5. Preoperative tumor embolization for hypervascular tumors like JNA, Para-gangliomas, Sarcomas.
6. Endovascular snaring / removal of foreign bodies (catheters, guidewires et
Peripheral Venous Interventions
1. Peripheral Venography
2. Angioplasty & Stenting for Central Venous Stenosis or occlusions (Iliac vein, IVC, Superior Vena Cava, Brachio-cephalic vein, subclavian vein)
3. Catheter directed thrombolysis & thrombectomy for Acute Ilio-femoral or Caval DVT & Pulmonary Thrombo-embolism
4. IVC filter Placement & Retrieval
5. Endo-Venous Laser Ablation/ RFA for VARICOSE VEINS
6. Percutaneous Sclerotherapy for slow flow vascular malformation
7. PICC / Central line insertion
Hepatobiliary Interventions
1. PTBD (Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage)
2. PTC (Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography)
3. Percutaneous Biliary Stenting (Self Expanding Metallic Stenting: single or Y-Stenting or stent graft placement)
4. Percutaneous Cholecystostomy
5. HVPG (Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient measurement)
6. TJLB (Trans-Jugular Liver Biopsy)
7. BORTO for Gastric Varices (Balloon Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Occlusion)
8. PARTO for Gastric Varices (Plug Assisted Retrograde Transvenous Occlusion)
9. Preoperative Portal Vein Embolization
10. Catheter-directed thrombolysis for Acute Portal vein thrombosis
11. Hepatic Vein / IVC Angioplasty and Stenting for chronic Budd Chiari Syndrome
12. Portal Vein Angioplasty and Stenting
13. TACE (Trans-Arterial Chemo-Embolization) for HCC
14. TACE for liver metastases / Unresectable Cholangiocarcinoma
15. Embolization for liver trauma, giant hepatic hemangioma, hepatic pseudoaneurysms, GDA pseudoaneurysms
16. Preoperative tumor embolization
Gastrointestinal Interventions
1. Splenic artery embolization for splenic trauma, Hypersplenism, Portal Hypertension, & Gastric varices
2. Embolization for Acute GI bleeding, pseudoaneurysms
3. Catheter directed thrombolysis for acute mesenteric ischemia
4. Angioplasty and stenting for chronic mesenteric ischemia
5.Pigtail drainage of Pancreatic and Peripancreatic Collections
6. Naso-Jejunal tube insertion
Nephrology / Urology / Gynecological Interventions
1. Hemo-dialysis Fistula Dysfunction Interventions: -
2. Perma-Cath insertion for hemo-dialysis
3. Percutaneous Nephrostomy / Ureteric stenting
4. Renal Biopsy / TRUS guided biopsy for prostate
5. Embolization for Renal Bleeding, Coil Embolization renal pseudoaneurysms/ AV fistula
6. Endovascular closure of AV fistula
7. Embolization for large Angio-myelolipoma
8. Endovascular Coil Embolization of Varicocele
9. Uterine artery embolization (PPH, uterine fibroids)
10. Ovarian vein embolization for Pelvic Venous Congestion
Pulmonary Interventions
1. Bronchial Artery Embolization for Hemoptysis
2. Coil or Vascular Plug Embolization for pulmonary Arterio-Venous Malformation
3. CT -guided Lung / Mediastinal / Pleural mass Biopsy
4. Pigtail catheter insertion for empyema/pleural effusion
Oncology Interventions:
1. TACE for HCC, liver metastasis
2. RFA / Microwave for HCC, Renal cell Carcinoma, liver metastasis
3. Preoperative tumor embolization for Hyper-vascular tumors
4. Biopsy for Neoplasms
Non-Vascular Interventions:
The division of Vascular & Interventional Radiology also performs Non-Vascular Interventions. Following are the NVIs that are carried out by the Radiologists-
1. USG or CT guided Pigtail drainage of abdominal collections, liver abscess, empyema, pleural effusion.
2. USG guided Pleural tap / Ascitic tap
3. USG / CT guided biopsies
4. CT guided Bone Biopsy, Retroperitoneal/ Mediastinal mass biopsies
5. FNACs
6. Celiac ganglion block/ablation for pain management
7. Percutaneous Sclerotherapy for Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Well-Equipped Infrastructure:
The radiology department has its own wards and dedicated surgical rooms fully equipped with standardized infrastructure focusing on patients' safety. Furthermore, each and every test is well organized with accurate results. The team work is the key that has helped us in constantly achieving our goal. The department is equipped with modern-day equipments including flat panel Cath Lab, 3D angiography, premium colour Doppler machine, digital mammograph, etc.
To know more about our Radiological Investigations & Procedures click here.....
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