The Department of Paediatrics at Kailash Hospital & Heart Institute is the most sophisticated set up in Khurja and provides technically excellent and highly personalized medical care to children upto 14 years of age. Out Patient Clinics (OPD) are conducted by highly qualified and experienced Consultants. OPD facilities are available from Monday to Saturday both in the morning and evening, and on Sunday in the morning.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) set up is equipped with all the gadgets required for monitoring and management of sick newborns. Babies with respiratory distress in early stages are managed with nasal CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) and in advanced stages with positive pressure ventilation. Patients of HMD (Hyaline Membrane Disease) are administered surfactants. Facilities for exchange blood transfusion and total parenteral nutrition are available in the department.
Department Of Paediatric Surgery
Who should do Paediatric Surgery?
Paediatrics Surgery is a distinctive specialty which is age based whereas other specialties are either system or organ based e.g. Neuro Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, or they are technique oriented e.g. Plastic Surgery. As a result of its specific nature it comes in conflict with not only General Surgery but also with other surgical specialties.
Questions often come up like whether hydrocephalus in an infant is better managed by a Neuro Surgeon or a Paediatric Surgeon or in case of a hypospadius who should operate - a Paediatric Surgeon or a Plastic Surgeon or a Urologist. Such entities should be managed by any specialist who is competent irrespective of the label, but the fact remains that the most essential attribute of a Paediatric Surgeon is a perfect understanding of the child and not the surgical skill alone.
The field of Paediatric Surgery varies from place to place. In general, Paediatrics Surgery covers all the abdominal surgery (G.I. Surgery & Genito Urinary Surgery), general procedures and a wide range of congenital malformations and deformities.
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