Radio Diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis (Kailash Hospital, Greater Noida)

The Department of Radiology provides broad range of quality radiological services related to MRI, CT, USG and Color Doppler, Mammography, Radiography and conventional procedures with the help of competent and dedicated staff. The department is equipped with machines loaded with latest technologies and softwares. Our services are provided to patients of all ages, ambulatory and in patients. The department works in coordination with all other clinical departments for best patient care.
We have services of senior radiologists and experienced technicians who help in providing excellent diagnostic images for accurate interpretation.
All these machines are installed under a single roof and are following all AERB and PC-PNDT guidelines.


SOMATOM EMOTION CT scanner from Siemens 

Is designed for high resolution scans with reduced radiation dose to patients.. We are also able provide scanning in patients with surgical metal implants.

1. CT – Enterography with excellent evaluation of bowel pathology and abdominal vessels.

2. Excellent 3D/4D image rendering scans in post prosthetic implant cases.

3. CT– Virtual Bronchoscopic / colonoscopic evaluation.

4. High resolution evaluation of inner ear for patients for cochlea implant.

5. Triple phase CT abdomen for characterization of hepatic lesions.

MRI GE Signa HDXT - 1.5 Tesla

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered one of the important diagnostic tool in modern science. Kailash Hospital is proud to offer technologically advanced MRI system which is handled by highly trained MRI technicians. Soothing ambience in the department helps to reduce claustrophobia and anxiety amongst patients. High quality equipment offers

1. Neuro imaging for brain and spinal cord.

2. Abdominal imaging including MRCP.

3. Pelvic imaging.

4. Musculoskeleton imaging of knees, shoulders and other extremities.

5. Special investigations like

a) MRI Breast.

b) MRI Brachial plexus.

c) MRI Spectroscopy (single and multivoxel).

Ultrasound With Color Doppler with Multi Probe Facility

- We follow all PC-PNDT guidelines.

- Multiple high end machines are used in evaluation of various body parts of patients. These provide us with excellent image quality and faster scans.

- High resolution linear transducer probe for evaluation of musculoskeletal system and small parts.

Digital Mammography Allengers Medical Systems India

Digital mammography is used for evaluation of patients to detect early breast cancers. The examination is conducted by female radiographer. We follow American college of Radiology (ACR) guidelines for evaluating our patients. This evaluation is combined with USG of the breast to enhance the diagnostic values and we provide reports with BI-RADS score.

Digital and Contrast Radiography

We provide high resolution digital Radiographs using X-Ray Machines from Siemens Germany.
Special investigation like:

a) RGU / MCU.

b) HSG.

c) T-Tube cholangiogram.

d) Barium studies.

Digital OPG Care Stream Technology USA

Our department is equipped with the latest digital X-Ray unit which provides excellent panoramic dental evaluation.

Interventional Radiology

Our Department is providing USG Guided Interventions which are performed by highly trained Radiologists and are supported by trained staff. All these procedures are performed after proper informed consent and under proper asepsis.

Team of Doctors

Dr. Meenu

Dr. Meenu


Areas of Expertise:

Radio Diagnosis



Dr. Meenu


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Dr. Rakesh Roshan

Dr. Rakesh Roshan


Areas of Expertise:

Radio Diagnosis



Dr. Rakesh Roshan


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Dr. Hritik Sharma

Dr. Hritik Sharma

Consultant Radiologist

Areas of Expertise:




Dr. Hritik Sharma

Consultant Radiologist

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Dr. Neha Anand

Dr. Neha Anand

Consultant Radiologist

Areas of Expertise:




Dr. Neha Anand

Consultant Radiologist

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